Welcome to the RDA
If your business is located within specific addresses, you are assessed a fee annually, in addition to paying your City of Oakland business taxes. This supports the efforts of the Rockridge District Association, a Rockridge Business Improvement District.
NEW Rockridge businesses/rda members
Because businesses are only assessed once per year, we invite new businesses to Rockridge to fill out the form below to apply to be featured in our directory:
What is a Business Improvement District (B.I.D.)?
a private-public consortium
a product of motivated businesses owners
a geographically-defined special assessment district
the act of enhancing not replacing Oakland city services
self assessed and self-governed special services, activities and programs
a coordinated effort to respond to the needs of our community
a proven method for maintaining and growing our business district
a tool for economic development
BIDs & PBIDs generate sum $4+ million in a private-sourced and controlled funds that are currently being utilized in Oakland on an annual basis. The Rockridge District Association formed in 2000 with a annual working budget of approximately $150K.
Rockridge District Association (RDA) picks up where the city leaves off by providing the special services desired and needed by business owners to drive consumer spending and branding of our district thus gaining a stronger identity. In a time of overwhelming local, state, and national deficits, these enhanced benefits are the most efficient and effective means of ensuring that dedicated funds stay and are spent within our district.
BID's provide services every business district and property needs but that will not be funded by the City of Oakland. The result is self-funded programs to strengthen the image of our district that the city could not offer. We do this with such tools as marketing efforts that include business directories, advertising, website, street fair, holiday celebrations, safety enhancements, banner program, and more.