Rockridge Rock-N-Hunt Long Logo.png

During the September 9 Rock-N-Stroll event, attendees can participate in a district-wide scavenger hunt from 11am to 7pm. Subscribe to our newsletter to receive the clues by email at 11am on game day and have 8 hours to find as many as you can. Each clue you successfully discover is an automatic entry into a raffle drawing for 3 prizes worth hundreds of dollars in value.

All ages can participate. You can work solo or with a team (though you’ll have to share any prize winnings with your team—one winner per team). The hunt will take you outdoors—where you can enjoy the live music during the day—as well as to indoor locations (while open to the public) along College Avenue between Alcatraz St. and Broadway. As always, wear a mask when indoors or when you cannot socially distance outdoors.

You will want a digital camera or cell phone camera for many of the hunt clues. You will submit your findings via email—or emails—by the deadline to qualify for raffle entries. If you can submit entries on a smartphone while in the field, you will have a time advantage. Once we’ve verified all the correct entries were submitted on time, we will conduct a raffle and notify the winners no later than October 15, 2021.

No purchases are required to participate in the hunt. You are required to enjoy your day in Rockridge! #rockridge #rocknhunt #rocknstroll

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1st Place: “The Rockridge Experience”

Cash: $100
Gift card bundle*: À Côté - $75, Bella Vita - $25, Ben 'N Nick's - $50, Breema Classes - free session, Cactus Taqueria - $50, Cole Hardware - $25, Crush on College - $20, European Wax Center - $75, Golden Squirrel - $25, Goldenbug Kids - $30, In Full Swing - $50, Mignonne Decor - $45, Nathan & Co. - $100, Open Mind Music - $50, Planterday - $25, Rockridge Day Spa - $100, Tootsies - $20, Vero for Hair - gift basket, Vita - classes package.
* There’s a chance we will replace a gift certificate with another not listed here.

2nd and 3rd Place

Cash: $50
Market Hall Foods - $100 gift card

Winners will be notified via email by October 15. Prizes will be sent after we verify your mailing address.